Blue Frog Web Design & SEO

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WordPress Maintenance – Website Maintenance.

As a business owner or website owner, it is essential to keep your WordPress website up-to-date and properly maintained. There are several reasons why this is important, including improved website performance, enhanced security, and access to new features.

Improved Website Performance

Keeping your WordPress website up-to-date and properly maintained ensures that it runs smoothly and loads quickly. Outdated code and plugins can slow down your website, negatively impacting the user experience and search engine rankings. Regularly updating your website ensures that it is optimized for speed and performance, providing a better user experience and improving your website’s overall functionality.

Enhanced Security

WordPress is a popular target for cybercriminals due to its popularity, and not keeping your website up-to-date and properly maintained can leave your website vulnerable to cyber attacks. Outdated plugins and themes can have security vulnerabilities that can be exploited by cybercriminals, resulting in data loss, reputational damage, and financial losses. Regularly updating your website ensures that security vulnerabilities are addressed promptly, keeping your website protected against cyber threats.

Access to New Features

WordPress is continually evolving, with new features and functionalities being added regularly. Not keeping your website up to date can result in missing out on these new features, which can impact user experience and website functionality. Regularly updating your website ensures that you have access to the latest features and functionalities, ensuring that your website stays up-to-date and user-friendly.

Avoiding Compatibility Issues

WordPress themes and plugins are developed by third-party developers, and not all developers keep their products up to date. Not keeping your website up to date and properly maintained can result in compatibility issues with outdated themes and plugins, resulting in broken functionality, website crashes, and reduced website performance. Regularly updating your website ensures that your website is compatible with the latest themes and plugins, ensuring that your website functions correctly and that your users have a positive experience.

Lowering the Cost of Maintenance

Regularly maintaining your WordPress website can save you money in the long run. Not maintaining your website regularly can result in more significant problems that can be costly to fix. Regularly updating your website ensures that you catch and address problems early, reducing the need for costly repairs in the future. Additionally, regular maintenance ensures that your website remains stable, reducing the likelihood of crashes, which can be costly to repair.


In conclusion, keeping your WordPress website up to date and properly maintained is essential for improved website performance, enhanced security, access to new features, avoiding compatibility issues, and lowering the cost of maintenance. Regularly updating your website ensures that your website is optimized for speed and performance, providing a better user experience, and improving your website’s overall functionality. Additionally, regular maintenance ensures that your website remains secure, reducing the likelihood of cyber attacks and data breaches. Not keeping your website up to date can result in compatibility issues, website crashes, and reduced website performance, impacting user experience and search engine rankings. Regular maintenance can save you money in the long run, reducing the need for costly repairs and ensuring that your website remains stable.

– Read this article to find out why WordPress gets so many updates.

WordPress Maintenance - Website Maintenance

Updates (WordPress, Themes, Plugins)

Hackers use “known exploits” or vulnerablilities that have already been discovered and posted online to gain access to out-of-date websites. This is why I stress the importance of daily updates to keep all of your websites software on the cutting edge of both security and performance

Daily Check

WordPress Maintenance - Website Maintenance

Website Backup

Daily back-ups are essential in ensuring even if catastrophy was to strike we could restore your site to its former glory very quickly. If you have ever performed an update on your website only to have disaster strike in a corrupted update file and crash your entire website you will be happy to know we have daily backups in place to restore your website


WordPress Maintenance - Website Maintenance


Every time you add a blog post to your website, add or change anything including pictures or text, or any new content is added your website creates logs of these changes that slow down your websites ability to load the newest version of its pages. Optimizing your Database can significantly speed up your page speed.

Daily Check


Malware Scanning

We scan your site and report our findings to you. If there is ever a problem we will have a course of action to solve the issue asap.

Monthly Check

WordPress Maintenance - Website Maintenance

Performance benchmarking / page speed

Part of what gives you a good mobile friendly rank is your page load speed. With todays emphasis on mobile friendlyness you need to be doing everything possible to ensure your site is following this trend. That is, how long it takes to load your website into a users browser. 3 seconds is what everyone is shooting for and anything slower then that is starting to negatively affect your search rankings.

Monthly Check

Paul Floyd, Owner, Blue Frog Web Design & SEO

Paul Floyd


I have been building websites since 1999 and have witnessed the rise in sophisticated attacks online. Your best protection is keeping everything up-to-date and understand the vigilance that goes into a maintenance and optimization program which keeps your website safe and secure.

WordPress Maintenance - Website Maintenance

Detailed Client Reports

Our clients love our maintenance reports. Every month we compile a detailed report containing all of the maintenance services that we have performed on your website for the previous month. We recomend saving these reports and going over them through the months ahead to see trends over time.
WordPress Maintenance - Website Maintenance

Google Analytics

We include Google Analytics in our reports so you have a snapshot of all of your website visitor traffic. See how many visitors viewed your site that month, where that traffic was reffered from and how much traffic was new versus returning.

Ready to get started?

Standard Website Maintenance fee $50 per month +tax

Need to sign up for a Complex Website Maintenance Plan?