Blue Frog Web Design & SEO

Customer Reviews & Reputation Management

Customer Reviews & Reputation Management. Get More Customer Reviews On Autopilot! Easily Get More Customer Reviews. Control Negative Reviews.

Customer Reviews & Reputation Management
Customer Reviews & Reputation Management

What We Offer

Customer reviews can make or break your online reputation. You’ve seen or experienced it before; most customers who leave reviews often end in a negative review. With our automated Reputation Management Software, you can get more positive customer reviews on ANY site of your choice and privately handle any unfavorable reviews. Reviews help your search engine ranking when you are consistently gaining positive reviews. Our software enables you to do just that. Your reviews will populate right into your website wherever you want to show them off.

Customer Reviews & Reputation Management

Collect reviews anywhere

With one code snippet, you can collect reviews anywhere: On your email footer, thank you page, or even your email list. If you are rated positively with 4 or 5 stars, they instead are prompted to leave a review on any site you choose. If the customer rates you 1-3 stars and expresses a negative sentiment, they are led to send you a message privately – giving you a chance to handle the issue.

Customer Reviews & Reputation Management

Choose the site you want your positive reviews on

With our review platform, you can custom select which site(s) you want your positive reviews on. Choose from over 50 review sites including Google, Yelp, Facebook, and more.

Customer Reviews & Reputation Management

Prevent Negative Reviews

Many bad reviews are caused by a simple misunderstanding that could be prevented. By pre-qualifying reviewers with our 5-star rating system, customers who would have left negative reviews are brought to a form where you can handle the issue privately. This gives you a chance to solve the issue before they leave a public review.

Customer Reviews & Reputation Management

Reputation Monitoring

Not only can you increase your reviews, but with our software, you can monitor reviews left anywhere so that you can quickly respond if necessary.

Customer Reviews & Reputation Management

Auto-Post to social media

Auto-Post your positive reviews to social media to keep your stream full of positive sentiments. Just hook up your social accounts and set the schedule, and the software will do it all for you!

Customer Reviews & Reputation Management

Your Review Scores Skyrocket

Your review scores go up on the sites that matter most to you. This helps with conversions, rankings, and trust! Additionally, you can place a review carousel on your website to display all the positive reviews you’ve collected.

Customer Reviews & Reputation Management

Start Now

For only $300 per month, you can control your reviews, gain a better reputation, and increase your sales all at the same time, all on complete autopilot. Don’t wait for your competition to beat you to it and end up having to play catch-up. Start today!

Ready to get started?

Get in touch today.